From golden pothos to English ivy and hanging spider plants, having a variety of thriving foliage around your home is pleasing to the eye as well as offers a variety of health benefits. Indoor plants create a healthier household environment by naturally purifying the air by removing toxins and increasing oxygen levels. House plants can also help to boost your mood, reduce stress, and improve focus and productivity. In addition, the act of caring for plant life promotes mindfulness and a sense of accomplishment, contributing to overall well-being.
The winter months are an excellent time to show your indoor plants some love by taking a moment to repot your house plants and mix in nutrient-rich compost. While the colder months are often associated with dormancy, this slower growth phase makes repotting less stressful on your plants. You may destroy a few roots, but the plant should quickly recover. By repotting during winter, you give your plants a refreshed growing environment just in time for the more active growth periods of spring and summer.
You should repot your plants if you notice any of the following:
- It has been a year or two since the last time the plant was repotted
- The roots are growing through the drainage hole located at the bottom of the pot
- The plant is growing slower than intended
- The plant is top-heavy and falls over easily
- The plant dries out very quickly and needs frequent watering
- The roots have begun to push the plant out of the pot
- There is noticeable salt and mineral build-up on the plant or pot
The Importance of Compost for Indoor Plants
Indoor plants grow in pots and containers, making them almost entirely reliant on the soil for their nutrition. Over time, even the best potting soils become depleted of nutrients as plants grow. Introducing fresh compost ensures that your plants receive the nutrients they need to thrive. Proper nourishment supports growth and enhances the plant’s ability to resist pests and diseases.
Choosing the Right Compost
Which compost is best for your indoor plants? For most houseplants, the SMSC Organics Recycling Facility/Dakota Prairie Composting offers Seven Generation Compost, a multipurpose compost that is a versatile and eco-friendly choice. This compost comes in 1-cubic-foot bags and is the best for your houseplants. Adding compost will reintroduce organic matter to depleted potting soils and will add nutrients into your soil as well. If you are purchasing other commercial compost options, make sure that your compost is STA Certified, this ensures that the product you are using has been tested by a third party for quality and has undergone plant growth trials.
Keep in mind that some plants have unique requirements and may or may not benefit from adding compost. For example, if you have a plant that needs a low pH soil, compost should probably be skipped (compost is naturally slightly higher in pH). Also keep in mind that compost should be an addition to your potting soil, not a substitution. In general, compost can be anywhere from 10%-50% of your mix, shooting for 25% is a good goal.
Tips for Repotting and Compost Use
- Refresh Your Soil: After just a year or two, indoor plants may need repotting to maintain healthy growth. Aim to replace the potting mix entirely or at least replace 50% of it to prevent the buildup of diseases and pests.
- Moisten Before Use: Before repotting, pre-moisten the compost or potting mix with warm water. This ensures even moisture throughout and reduces the need for additional watering after repotting.
- Proper Ratios: When mixing your own soil, a 1:4 ratio of compost to potting soil works well for most houseplants. This blend promotes drainage while providing essential nutrients.
- Drainage Rocks: You can use lava rocks in the bottom of your pot to help with drainage if the pot doesn’t have a drainage hole at the bottom. Lava rocks are porous volcanic stones that enhance drainage, preventing waterlogging and root rot. Their rough texture enhances aeration, allowing oxygen to reach the roots and promote healthy plant growth.
Repotting your plants before the new growing season is a great way to encourage new growth in the coming season, especially if their previous pot was too small.
Tips for Repotting Your Household Plants
- Choose a pot or container that is consistent with your style and home décor. You want to enjoy the plant in its new habitat.
- Select a pot or container that is about 2 inches bigger than the original pot. This will ensure that there is enough space for the plant to grow.
- It’s helpful to choose a pot or container with drainage holes and have a plate or saucer to catch and leaking water.
- To prepare, fill the pot halfway with potting soil mixed with compost to give the repotted plant extra nutrients.
- Carefully remove the plant from its original pot. Be sure to loosen the root ball if it is tightly coiled up. This will help the roots breathe.
- Place the plant in the new pot or container, then backfill with more soil around the edges. Firmly pat the soil and compost.
- Water the plant thoroughly; this will give it a big drink and help the soil to settle.
- Allow the newly potted plant to settle from the stress of repotting.
Once the repotted process is complete, your plant will be noticeably happier and will grow stronger and more robust.
Additional Ways to Use Compost
Compost can also be sprinkled on top of the potting soil if you are not ready to completely replant. Just add a small amount on top of the soil and water thoroughly. The water will help flush the nutrients down into the soil. Adding compost is a sustainable way to nourish your plants while minimizing waste. Compost application will keep your indoor plants healthy and thriving year-round.
By repotting your plants this winter and incorporating nutrient-rich compost, you’re setting the stage for hardy and resilient houseplants. Happy gardening!